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Wedding Venues & Inspirations

for modern couples planning their wedding day…

For Photographers, Wedding Photography Helen Howard For Photographers, Wedding Photography Helen Howard

Becoming a Wedding and Family Photographer

Working for yourself and being your own boss is exciting, sometimes a little terrifying, but extremely rewarding.  I often get emails from photographers who are just starting out, asking for help or advice and I don’t always feel equipped to offer advice.  What  worked for me, may have happened by chance or by luck, or there may have been more to it than just luck.  The more I think about it, the knowledge I have now about running my business and being a wedding and family portrait photographer, far exceeds what I knew 10 years ago,  maybe what I have learnt can help others.  If I can  inspire someone who is unhappy in their current job, to take an opportunity or a chance then maybe I am giving something back, I wouldn’t have got here without the people that helped me along the way.

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